THE DIRECTIONAL LIVING™ METHOD: The New Paradigm for Finding Fulfillment in Your Career (And Life)
Life is Directional, NOT Destinational. We’ve been learning how to do life all wrong, that is, if we’ve been taught at all. Most people I talk to express the sensation that everyone got a handbook to life, except them. Or, if they do feel like they got the memo, they...
The Fear of “Being Mean” is Holding You Back: Why We Fear it and What We Can Do About It
Do you struggle with the “Fear of Being Mean”? Is it hard for you to give feedback or share opposing opinions with colleagues? Or maybe you just avoid “constructive criticism” conversations all together? Do you worry about being perceived as critical, or...
The Mind-Mood-Body (MMB) Technique: The Quick, Powerful Anti-Anxiety & Productivity tool
Clients often show up to our sessions and groups distracted, anxious and self-judgy: still mentally in the last meeting they had, cycling through to do lists, feeling guilty that they didn’t complete every single “homework” assignment we had...
3 Reasons to Prioritize Your Work Environment (if you want to be successful)
“[Let’s] succeed because of [the] workplace environment, not in spite of it.” -Michelle Williams’ 2019 Emmy Speech “The happiest people discover their own nature and match their life to it.” -Ray Dallo Work environment–not just what we do, but...