The 4 Essential Post-COVID Re-entry Practices You Need to Know
One of the things that is endlessly fascinating to me about my work is, as a result of having the tremendous privilege of people sharing their innermost worlds with me, getting to see the trends and patterns of what is on our collective minds, the zeitgeist of our...
Dear Megan: Should I re-interview for my “good” job I hate, or risk quitting with no plan?
Dear Megan, I have been unhappy in my job for a several years. I keep thinking about thinking about leaving, but I haven't been able to figure out what to do next, and I'm just...stuck. Golden handcuffs and all that. However, my company just got acquired...
THE NEW PRODUCTIVITY PARADIGM: A Guide to Getting Out of “Programmed” Productivity and into Your “Pure” Productivity
Most of us are living with broken productivity brains. When it comes to productivity, we’re typically given 2 options: In Productivity option #1, it is worshipped, holds us up as "good" when we do lots of things, and we get shamed for our “laziness”. (This is most...
HOW TO STOP SABOTAGING YOUR OWN SUCCESS: The “Saboteur” Voice and the 5 Things You Need to Watch Out For
YOU ARE SABOTAGING YOUR OWN SUCCESS. It sucks, but it’s true. I know, because we all do it. (Yep, even you!) Or rather, if we aren’t paying attention, if we aren’t actively guarding against our inner “Saboteur”, we all get in our own way of fulfillment. The...
NO MORE “HUSTLE”: Making the Shift from “Blind Ambition” to “Aligned Ambition”
I just don't believe in "hustle". At least as it pertains to purpose, fulfillment, success...or any of the things that you’re undoubtedly here looking for. "Busy" is not a purpose. "Hustle" is not a purpose. Neither "busy" nor "hustle" necessarily equal, or even...
FROM “MIND OVER MATTER” –> MIND TO MATTER (MTM): A Better and More Effective Way to Create Habit Change that Sticks
If you’re reading this, you probably have some behavior in mind--something you'd either like to stop doing, or start doing, or do differently. (And if not, hint: it's the thing that just popped into your head as you read that sentence.) Maybe you got really honest...
“RESISTANCE RE-ROUTING” and EXTASTROPHIZING: 3 Steps to Overcoming Resistance and Cutting through Fear
There was a week when I didn’t want to write my newsletter. Like, AT ALL. Not even a little bit. Every time I started thinking about what I wanted to write, it felt heavy and gross. Every time I retreated to my big blue velvet writing armchair with my weighted...
FROM “SANDPAPER” TO “SMOOTH”: 3-Steps to Address Unpreferred Obligations…for the Holidays and Beyond
Every year, my inbox starts blowing up in predictable fashion 1 week before Thanksgiving, with all caps subject lines to the tune of, "HELP!", followed by emails filled with lots of expletives and/or sad face emojis, as well as some very elegant prose about why...
“Your Curiosity Isn’t A Distraction”: Why We Need To Bring Curiosity Back into Our Careers
People often come to me and say, "I'm just interested in too many things!" They believe that they are unfocused, indecisive and even broken. That this is some sort of character flaw. Well, this is crap. And it breaks my heart (slash pisses me off) that we've made...
THE DIRECTIONAL LIVING™ METHOD: The New Paradigm for Finding Fulfillment in Your Career (And Life)
Life is Directional, NOT Destinational. We’ve been learning how to do life all wrong, that is, if we’ve been taught at all. Most people I talk to express the sensation that everyone got a handbook to life, except them. Or, if they do feel like they got the memo, they...
The Fear of “Being Mean” is Holding You Back: Why We Fear it and What We Can Do About It
Do you struggle with the “Fear of Being Mean”? Is it hard for you to give feedback or share opposing opinions with colleagues? Or maybe you just avoid “constructive criticism” conversations all together? Do you worry about being perceived as critical, or...
The Mind-Mood-Body (MMB) Technique: The Quick, Powerful Anti-Anxiety & Productivity tool
Clients often show up to our sessions and groups distracted, anxious and self-judgy: still mentally in the last meeting they had, cycling through to do lists, feeling guilty that they didn't complete every single "homework" assignment we had discussed, and judging...
Looking For Your Post-Pandemic Purpose?
Take advantage of this re-entry opportunity.
You know you don’t want to go back to that old, unfulfilling “normal,” but you have no idea what that new, True Normal looks like. Get your Re-Entry Reboot on with my Post-Pandemic Purpose Package — my program that will get you there in ~2 weeks.
The School for Finding Career Fulfillment
It’s called “WTF Am I Doing with My Life?”
You’ve checked all the boxes, done all the right things, and yet your great-on-paper life doesn’t feel so great inside. Get unstuck and finally find fulfillment with my 7-week intensive career transformation program for Underfulfilled Overachievers.