The Mind-Mood-Body (MMB) Technique: The Quick, Powerful Anti-Anxiety & Productivity tool
Clients often show up to our sessions and groups distracted, anxious and self-judgy: still mentally in the last meeting they had, cycling through to do lists, feeling guilty that they didn’t complete every single “homework” assignment we had...
3 Reasons to Prioritize Your Work Environment (if you want to be successful)
“[Let’s] succeed because of [the] workplace environment, not in spite of it.” -Michelle Williams’ 2019 Emmy Speech “The happiest people discover their own nature and match their life to it.” -Ray Dallo Work environment–not just what we do, but...
Dear Megan: “How Do I Have a Healthy Relationship with Social Media?!”
Dear Megan, I feel so lame asking this, but I don’t know what to do about social media!! I have such a love-hate relationship with it. Or maybe even more like a rollercoaster relationship with it. Sometimes I feel so overwhelmed by it and it makes me so...